April 18 2018

How to Choose a Personal Injury Lawyer


Are you looking for a personal injury lawyer in Huntsville or North Alabama? If so, how do you choose the best person to represent your case?

Whether you have been injured in a car accident, trucking accident, workplace accident, by slipping and falling on someone’s property, or by being bitten by a neighbor’s dog, it is crucial to find a competent advocate for your case. Each of these situations may be considered personal injury and the level of your injury can make a major difference in processing your claim.

Before you choose which personal injury lawyer you’d like to represent you, make sure you do your due diligence to ensure you are choosing a lawyer who will give you the representation that you deserve.

Ask Your Friends 

One of the best ways to start your search for a personal injury lawyer is to seek referrals from friends or coworkers who have been represented by a lawyer in their own personal injury claims. Add these lawyers to your list of ones to consider for a consultation.

However, do not make a decision about a personal injury lawyer solely on the basis of someone else’s recommendation until you’ve met the lawyer, discussed your case, and decided that you feel comfortable working with the individual.

Gauge Experience

Along with obtaining recommendations from your friends, make sure you determine how long the lawyer been in practice. Ask questions. For example, roughly what percentage of the lawyer’s practice involves personal injury cases? Does the lawyer most often represent plaintiffs or defendants? These are a few questions to consider when deciding on a personal injury lawyer.

Schedule a Free Consultation 

Once you have narrowed down your list to lawyers who you feel have the experience needed to represent you throughout the process, it is time to sit down with the lawyer to discuss your claim via a free consultation.

Make sure you bring copies of all your documents: police reports, medical records and bills, income loss information, and all correspondence you’ve already had with the insurance company (if applicable). 

Discuss Your Goals 

After you have discussed the facts of your case and the history of your negotiations with the insurance company, an experienced lawyer will be able to provide insight as to whether or not you have a case that is worth pursuing.

It is best if you are upfront about your expectations by letting the personal injury attorney know your desired outcome for the case.

If you feel confident with the lawyer’s experience, and comfortable with his or her idea of how to proceed with your case, chances are good that you’ve found a lawyer to assist with your claim.

Remember, an experienced personal injury lawyer knows how to build your case, how to negotiate with an insurance company, and, if necessary, how to take your case to trial. While it is possible to negotiate your claim with an insurance company yourself, a qualified attorney can help you obtain a favorable settlement that, even with the attorney fee deducted, significantly exceeds what you can obtain on your own.

Wolfe Jones: Personal Injury Lawyers in Huntsville, Alabama 

If you need help with your personal injury claim, turn to Wolfe Jones in Huntsville, Alabama. The firm has over 154 years of combined experience , providing you with the representation that you deserve.

Scheduled your free consultation today! We will learn more about your claim and help you determine the best course of action moving forward. Call us today at 256-534-2205.

How to Choose a Personal Injury Lawyer